Winter Greetings!
All active or aspiring poets are invited to join this informal gathering to re-connect with wild nature through the art of poetry. As always, bring poetry to share, your own or a favorite poet’s, or a relevant prose reading. After sharing we’ll split up to wander, gathering observations and inspirations, or find a special spot to sit and write. Then we’ll re-converge for more sharing or just to talk. Don’t forget writing supplies, drinking water, shoes for hiking, a blanket or camp chair (optional).
Henderson Park is located not far east of I-285 and just north of Lavista Rd. in Tucker. For our workshop we will meet at a picnic table under a gazebo near the entrance of the Henderson Park Community Garden, 2723 Henderson Rd. You’ll park in a small parking area and walk back toward the road, turning on a paved hiking path to your right. After a few steps that path ends and you’ll turn right on another one. Our gazebo is just around the bend on your right. If that one is already taken when I arrive, I’ll stake out another one not far in the opposite direction around a horseshoe bend on that second path. (If the small parking area is full, there is a larger one a few hundred feet farther on Henderson Rd. Call me at 404-645-5590 if you need walking directions from there, or have any other questions.)
Note that we are back to meeting on a Sunday. Click here for directions. I look forward to seeing you!
p.s. To join my Earth Poetry Workshop email list, email me at swing1027@gmail.com.

Every time I walk down
into the hollow
through the winter woods
or up the mountain again,
I stop right here.
Standing on the packed earth
of an old logging road
where the creek slips quietly
through its rusty culvert
I’m not so much listening as feeling
a kind of tickling caress
through the soles of my shoes
and I recognize
a crossing of paths, a choice,
a way back
if I could only turn
and follow.
(from Washed in the Hurricane)